Muay Thai Boxing
Learn the techniques and build upon each move with this foundational cardio workout. Get your heart rate up with jab, punch, ducks and push-kicks with guest trainer, Luther!
Power workout 14-min with weights.
Mobility Workout
Our bodies need regular stretch and mobility but it doesn't need to be a lot of time. Enjoy this 11 minute stretch and mobility session that can be done on your off days or at the end of your workouts.
Get Up and Down off the Floor Strength Training
Many people have difficulty getting up and down off the floor and that is a workout in of itself. This 20 minute workout trains you to build muscle to aid in the mechanics of getting up and down off the floor.
20 Minute Circuit Workout 1.0
Through this 20 minute workout you will perform a variety of exercises using body weight, a band and a set of dumbbells. This workout does not require you to get down on the floor at any time. Enjoy!
Barbell Hip Thrust
Bicep Curls
Incline Bench Press
Front Squat
Staggered DL
Strict Press
Body Positioning
Running Uphill
Stance & Jump Form
Plank Modification
Squat Form