Strength & Cardio with Keri Harvey

Strength & Cardio with Keri Harvey

Hi my name is Keri Harvey and I’m a NASM Certified Personal Trainer. As I have worked to get stronger and healthier, I’ve come to the realization that for many, it’s not realistic to go to the gym for 2 to 3 hours, 7 days a week. I’m here to tell you that not only is it unrealistic, it’s not NECESSARY to achieve your fitness goals. My goal is to help you realize that consistency is what breeds long lasting results that are maintainable. I want to help you create the habits that you can implement into your life long term.

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Strength & Cardio with Keri Harvey
  • Lower Body

    Join NASM certified trainer Keri Harvey in this lower body strength workout! Perfect workout for a variety of fitness levels. This lower body workout has a series of dynamic exercises designed to boost muscle endurance, improve balance, and enhance mobility

  • Total Body

    Join trainer Keri Harvey in this Total Body Strength workout! All you need for this workout are some dumbbells and a mat. Do this workout at home or in the gym.

  • Total Body Weights and Medball Workout

    This 30 minute total body workout with Keri requires dumbbells and a medball. If you do not have access to a medball, you can use one dumbbell for all the exercises, except the medball slams. Mimic the slamming action of this and you will still get a cardio burst.

  • Total Body Dumbbell and Kettlebell

    A 30-minute total body workout with Keri

    You'll need a set of dumbbells and a kettlebell. If you do not have access to a kettlebell, you can use one dumbbell, just make sure you have a good hold on for the kettlebell moves, but it will work the same!

    Always remember you can pause the videos and...

  • Upper Body & Core with Keri

    Join Keri Harvey for this 20 minute upper body and core workout, including warm up and cool down.

    Equipment needed: Mat and a set of weights, both optional. This workout can be done with body weight only.

  • Lower Body & Core with Keri

    Join Keri for a 20 minute lower body and core workout.

    Equipment needed: Mat and dumbbell, both optional. You can do the workout with body weight only.