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Watch this video and more on Big Fit Girl by Louise Green

Watch this video and more on Big Fit Girl by Louise Green

Up Next in Strength & Cardio with Keri Harvey

  • Total Body

    Join trainer Keri Harvey in this Total Body Strength workout! All you need for this workout are some dumbbells and a mat. Do this workout at home or in the gym.

  • Total Body Weights and Medball Workout

    This 30 minute total body workout with Keri requires dumbbells and a medball. If you do not have access to a medball, you can use one dumbbell for all the exercises, except the medball slams. Mimic the slamming action of this and you will still get a cardio burst.

  • Total Body Dumbbell and Kettlebell

    A 30-minute total body workout with Keri

    You'll need a set of dumbbells and a kettlebell. If you do not have access to a kettlebell, you can use one dumbbell, just make sure you have a good hold on for the kettlebell moves, but it will work the same!

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