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Watch this video and more on Big Fit Girl by Louise Green

Watch this video and more on Big Fit Girl by Louise Green

All Levels: Balance and Leg Workout

Intermediate • 13m

Up Next in Intermediate

  • Intermediate: Med Ball and Cardio Wor...

    This is an action packed 12 minute med ball and cardio workout which can suit intermediate fitness levels and some beginners. There are both moves standing and getting down on the ground and a variety of moves using both a med ball and body weight for cardio and strength training.

    Needed: Me...

  • Intermediate: Band and Body Weight

    14 Minute band and body workout with resistance training and body weight moves makes this a quick and challenging workout. A great way to mix it up from weights.

    Needed: Resistance Band and Optional Exercise Mat.

  • Intermediate: Total Body with Body We...

    This 20 Minute total body workout is a great workout with no equipment needed. It can be done anywhere, on the road, at home or in the gym. A nice combination of strength-training and cardio.

    Needed: Optional - Exercise Mat.