

  • Beginner and Intermediate: Upper Body

    An upper body workout using weights focused on strengthening the arms. Pair it up with another focus specific workout video to make your workout longer.

  • Intermediate: Legs

    A lower body workout focused on strengthening the legs. Pair it up with another focus specific workout video to make your workout longer.

  • Beginner and Intermediate: Total Body with Weights, Balance and Cardio

    35-minute total body workout including balance, strength, core and cardio moves. This is truly and overall workout that will be sure to raise the heart rate and get you sweating.

    Needed: Weights and optional exercise mat.

  • Beginner and Intermediate: Total Body with Weights

    This 28-minute workout is an overall total body workout that will have you working hard through weight training, core and cardio moves. A workout that can be good for beginners and intermediates with heavier weights and faster moves.

    Needed: Optional weights and exercise mat.